Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Why do zoo animals need enrichment?

Today the students tried out life as zoo animals, then we discussed how they felt and what they did to entertain themselves. 

Many years ago zoo animals were kept in small concrete pens with nothing to do. In many places zoos have improved a lot, but sadly, for some animals, lives of boredom and stress continue.

Check out these links.
Canadian roadside zoos
Zoo in Riyadh 
6 of the saddest zoos in the world 

On the Circuswatch site is a list of common stereotypical behaviours shown by captive animals.

Why do animals show stereotypies?
"Stereotypic behaviour is defined as a repetitive, invariant (unchanging) behaviour pattern with no obvious goal or function."
Several animals with stereotypies 
Polar bear 

Even our pets can develop stereotypies if we don't give them enough interest and variety in their lives.
Dog 2 

What is enrichment?

"Ever see a tiger bat a boomer ball? Or an octopus play with a rubber toy? Enrichment - providing stimulating and challenging environments, objects, and activities for animals in AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums is as critical to an animal's well-being as having the right food and medical care

Sand, mud, rotting logs, and leaf litter might not seem very exciting to you and me, but for some animals that's the perfect playground! Providing the right environment for animals is crucial. Animals need opportunities to run, jump, pounce, climb, burrow, dive, hunt for food, and explore; to do all of the things that come naturally. Enrichment keeps animals mentally and physically fit."

I hope the students will take the challenge to create an enrichment toy really seriously now and think hard about what they will plan and make for the tiger or parrot at Hamilton Zoo.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting post. Thank you for sharing this information. Room 9 will be using it to help them with their projects on animal enrichment.
