These are on this week. There is still time for you to book in to visit the class, spend time looking around and discussing what your child has been doing and help them set a goal.
These are student-led conferences. I will be available for some discussion, but the aim is for your child to lead the discussion and set a goal with your support. I would like goals to focus on being prepared for learning and willing to support other students' learning.
Times still available are between 3 pm and 5pm on Tuesday 5th March, and 3 pm to 6pm on Thursday 7th March.
If you wish to have a one to one appointment with me, please make an appointment for another time altogether. My email is or you can leave a phone message or send a note with your child.
I hope to see most of you this week.
Thanks so much to all the caregivers who came along. The students did a fabulous job of leading the conferences, discussing their achievements, sharing their learning and setting their goals. The caregivers did a wonderful job of asking questions and encouraging their children. Thanks again everyone!